Friday, December 27, 2013

Auspicious Flowers-2

So far, this is the progress of these 2 flowers....
Will try my best to finish this before CNY 2014....
Sorry for the low quality images as i am now using Lenovo phone....

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Auspicious Flowers-1

As i began stitching this kit, the progress of this red flower seems to be good. But as the red flower is done, my progress on the green flower seems very slow that i left it aside for weeks....The feels is not really there, the fabric is wrong, the floss is wrong......

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Guan Yin 2

Here’s the update.
Not much progress as I have been moody this few months…
My passion for CS faded & I seem to be a bit lost in my own world….
Maybe a vacation will cheer me up….who knows…

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Guan Yin

This is the new kit that I am working on…It is a goddess called “Guan Yin” in buddhisme.
Bought this in 2012 with thoughts to give my mom as her 60th birthday present….
At first I don’t think that I am able to finish it so I was thinking of letting it go to my relative.
But lately I changed my mind & think that why not give it a try since the thing is there.
As you can see, it contains a lot of gold color metallic floss that I hate mostly….

The aida is large enough that this project will again break my previous record.

Am starting off with the head first…..Wish me luck…

Love Story (4 in 1) - 1

Another WIP of mine here….This is a 4 in 1 kit with 4 different design.
This is the 1st design : Met
2nd : In Love
3rd : Proposed
4th : Wedding

I had given a copy of the chart to 1  of my Facebook friends who is getting married.
Congratulations & Happy Wedding to you !!!

New hoop

This is the large hoop that was newly purchased.
It cost me RM 13.50.
Big enough for my new Guan Yin project…

See the comparison between this 3 hoops?
The smallest one is bought at Daiso Japan, RM 5..
The medium one is RM 7.50…
It seems that the larger it is the cheaper it be…..
I wonder is there any larger than this size of mine?

Home Sweet Home - Done

Home Sweet Home…..Finally done after 10 months of on & off stitching….
The aida needs to be soaked as a lot of yellow spots appear on it….
Will upload a better photo of it once I’m done with the washing & ironing.

Roses in Blue Vase - Done

Tadaaa…it’s done….
Does anybody notice that there is a small grid in the leaves that was left blank ?
Actually, i didn’t notice the blank until I was ironing it…

Well, it seems that I will have to dig out the leftover floss & finish this tiny little blank then…

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Roses In Blue Vase

New kit....Roses in blue vase....this is the latest progress after 2 weeks....a bit slow as i did spent some times on other things.....The multiple colours in this design does give me a break from the boredom in stitching the home sweet home as i now come to the sea water part where the colour barely seen as you stitch along it....

Progress after 1 week....Sorry for the low quality photos as i am still looking for quality camera with affordable price of course.....Forgot to snatch the whole kit & its contents before i start....

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Sunday, April 14, 2013

New Kit

I lost interest with the current projects and feels very much to just open a new kit.....
The Home Sweet Home aida is dirty now with yellow spots all over it....
Dont' know when can i finish it.......

Wooden Rose Keychain

The keychain is proudly hanging at my workstation.....
Tadaa.....its done......Its not easy to stitch......
The free kit.....It comes with all what you need to make it a keychain.....

New Magazine

This is Jan & Feb Issue of Cross Stitcher. My heart melted as soon as i saw this 2 magazines. The price stays same that is RM 22.50 each while CS Crazy is crazily expensive at RM 32.00 each. I stop buying magazine last year because i purchased a lot of kit & became very obsessed of the kit since everything is in it & it saves me a lot that i don't have to go looking for the floss shop by shop....
But this is what i get before CNY as a reward to myself for all the hard work in office.....

This is the free gift that comes with the mags...

Cross Stitcher, CS Crazy & The World of Cross Stitching are the magazines i purchase before i take train back to my hometown during the grave cleaning season. I was having fever that day but it just seems to recover when i bought them....hahahahha.....
I also managed to get 2 bottle of nail polish with fantastic blue & gold color.....******

Welcome to Our Roost

This is a design i choose from CS Crazy. Started to stitch this before i move in the new house & aiming to finish this before i move in but its been nearly 2 months that i shifted but this is not yet done. This picture is not the latest progress though.....Haven't got time to snap the latest picture.....Using 11ct of DMC Aida...

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Small Pillow

This pillow was given to all staff, a small gift from our vendor, Roche, i  think.
I though why not i patch the flower pot design on it to differentiate it from others, right ?

Royal Guard

I plan to stitch this to my youngest nephew, Wayne....
I switched to this when i was bored with the Home Sweet Home design...
& of course now, it is left behind as i continue with Home Sweet Home...
This is actually a free gift from Cross Stitcher magazine.

Home Sweet Home

This is the kit my sister requested me to stitch for her.
I started my work on it in early Nov 2012 & aim to finish it by Chinese New Year so that i can frame it and bring home for her to hang it especially for the coming festival.
The biggest character in the center of the design carrying meaning of house and is pronounce as
"Jia" in mandarin. 
Now, you can have a look of the progress...Oh, forgot to mention that the biggest character was not fully cross-stitched yet as i just half-stitched it first. Maybe i'll do the other half once i'm done with others.....

The above picture shown the latest progress where i was stitching the sea water.

Building up the house.......Then stitching the small "jia" character in red.

While this shows the progress of canoe & the chinese word "Jia" which means house.

The beginning....where i choose to stitch the ground and small chinese wording.

Progress of Handphone Accessories

After being put aside for a few month, i suddenly found it in my stash while i was tidying my house before my family come to visit.
I bring it to office & used my lunch time to stitch.
Now, it's still in office....
Will snap a photo of it (when i remember laa, of course).....

4 Seasons After Washing & Neatly Pressed

Tadaaaa........Finally all 4 was done.....
I finished the last piece that is winter in early November 2012, but was busy to upload it.
Was thinking what kind of frame to use and how to frame it...whether 4 in a row or using 4 separate frame...
I think this design is best hang at staircase wall.
Well, what do you think dearies?


