Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Today is a rough & tired day for me & sis....
Things that happens today keeps swinging in my mind that i m now sleepless in 2:17am......
But i did learn a lot today.....

"Mei Hua"

This is my latest project. i think this flower is called "Mei Hua" in Mandarine.
Again this broke my record again by becoming the biggest ever stitch project....
I wonder when can i done this.........^_^
The kit....with a lot of floss.....Very scary at first......

First night progress: drawing borders & marking spots......This took me a few hours......

After 1 weeks (i think)

This is the part that makes me feels sick.....aaarrrrgggghhhhhh.....It tooks me 3 nights to finish this part.....But yet i m still not done with this colour......There is some more of this on the left side.....

To keep up my spirit, i switch to the flowers....

Seeing the flowers blooms makes me happy & more keen to cotinue my stitching.....****wink*****
My hard work is worth it.....

Flowers is nearly done.Now working with the branch....Still a long way to go.....