Friday, December 9, 2011

"Mei Hua" updates

This is my latest progress after few weeks.The big flower pot with roses is nearly done. Now i m going into the second pot, a smaller & unattractive one with dark colors.
Aim to finish & frame this before the coming Chinese new year. Very excited when thinking that it will be hang in my sister's living room. M giving this to her as her house warming belated gift (Its been a few years round, but nevermind la, better late than never)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Today is a rough & tired day for me & sis....
Things that happens today keeps swinging in my mind that i m now sleepless in 2:17am......
But i did learn a lot today.....

"Mei Hua"

This is my latest project. i think this flower is called "Mei Hua" in Mandarine.
Again this broke my record again by becoming the biggest ever stitch project....
I wonder when can i done this.........^_^
The kit....with a lot of floss.....Very scary at first......

First night progress: drawing borders & marking spots......This took me a few hours......

After 1 weeks (i think)

This is the part that makes me feels sick.....aaarrrrgggghhhhhh.....It tooks me 3 nights to finish this part.....But yet i m still not done with this colour......There is some more of this on the left side.....

To keep up my spirit, i switch to the flowers....

Seeing the flowers blooms makes me happy & more keen to cotinue my stitching.....****wink*****
My hard work is worth it.....

Flowers is nearly done.Now working with the branch....Still a long way to go.....

Friday, October 21, 2011


Saw this in net....
Very cute...Printed it ASAP
Here go.....tadaaa

CS Magazine-3

My first copy of CS Card Shop...Love it.....But expensive...Cost me RM 33.50.....

New Kit

M aiming to start a new kit.
I wonder what my next project will be....


I have a few UFO under construction.....hehhhehhehe
1. Friends forever that i plan to stitch for a friend whose wedding is coming soon in December.
2. Cute caravan & other vehicles that is full with error & backstitch....
3. Wording chart from CS Crazy, floss & aida is ready, its just that i dont have the mood to start it despite whats happening all this while.
I hate days with low spirit & motivation.

Anyway, here the floss i bought for my No. 3 UFO

Opera character-Hua Dan

This is a kit given by a dear friend.
My first time with large kit, not bad at all, with extra floss & clear illustration.
Finished it within a week.
My biggest ever achievement....hihihihh
Very satisfying...
Using 11ct fabric.

 Too excited with the stitching that i forgot to snap the early progress...
By the time i remember to take photo, i had already came this far, too close to finish line already.
As you can see, just a bit more on her face, some white color stitch & a little back stitch before the whole art is done.

The face & the white paper fan & sleeves is done. Just backstitch not yet.

Backstitch done.....hoorray.......Yeah yeah !!!!!!!!
All done !!!!!
The results after washing, drying & ironing...
hihihiihiihih....very happy *******wink wink******

Friday, August 19, 2011

My Lovely babies

The youngest of all...this little cute monkey is Wayne Hern.Born in the year of rat after his father passed away about 3 months. Despite what happened, we are very greatful to god for having this little happy go lucky monster running around the house non stoply day & night.

My niece & nephew, Lee Ann & Jay Sern as they are preparing for another school day....Jay Sern likes going to school, even during long school holidays n sick time he will always ask his grandma when will the school be open again & why does it takes so long....

Thean Hou Temple

Heart Shape 5-Set of 7 completed

Friday, August 5, 2011

Miss my cross stitch a lot.....

Lately my company is under management restructuring, former boss is selling the company to others. So as the accountant & admin & multitasking worker of the company, i got so many paper & thinking to do.
Both side of new & former boss ask me to join their new company...but i dont even have time to think for myself, a lot of paper work is waiting for me ahead. It might take 3 months time to settle. Only wish that i can done all this asap so that i can spend more time with my family & doing my cross stitch for hours until my stitching hand is tired.
Dear god, please give me strenght to go through this.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Cute Caravan & others

Charts from Cross Sticher. I've used the same shade given in the mags but it just looks different from the mags. Mine looks a bit "retro" while the one in mags looks more brighter.

The bicycle follows....i love the colors.very vibrating. A lot of back stitch needed to live up this picture. Will do the back stitch after i've done with the blocks.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Free patern from Vinniey blog

This is free patern i found in Vinniey blog. So cute. M going to stitch this on the towel.

Heart Shape 4

Chart from CS Crazy. All 7 of them. Am planning to stitch all. Will try to make it my TV cover.

Fork & Spoon

Chart from Cross Stitcher. Run out of Anchor floss while stitching. Can't find the same shade from DMD.
So a bit weird. Does anyone notice the different?
Using 11ct aida.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Flowers 7

Stitch this for my Aunt Jaqueline.....

House Warming Gift for My Aunt Cee & Uncle Teck

The framer choose the inner card board color for me as i have bad taste in matching colors...
Did a small mistake though...i forgot that it is not wise to use red for chinese names....